Friday, 9 December 2011

The Out Takes

Here are the out takes from our film, there were many funny moments for us when filming so we hope you enjoy them too.

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Podcast by lmcmedia
For our evaluation we had to use new media technology to create it and show it. Firstly we Lauren and I decided that we would do a podcast interview to answer each of the questions; as you can see in the previous post, we wrote out a script so that it was easier for us to answer the questions on the spot and get a smooth recording. We used garageband to record the podcast and cut and edited parts where they needed to be edited so that it flowed well. We then exported it onto the Mac as an MP3 and then uploaded it onto so that it would work on our blogs. We then copied the html and put it onto our blogs so that people can listen to it.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Recording and editing the evaluation

Today Lauren and I recorded our evaluation. To do this we set up garagband on the computer so that it was on record, and then got our interviewer to say all of the questions. We recorded each question separately so that we could move them to where they needed to be. We then started to record our own sections, we found that we would often have to start our sections again or edit our sections to remove any mishaps, but one this was done it flowed smoothly. I found it wasn't a hard process as we had used garageband before, and the process of cutting and editing tracks was simple.

Friday, 2 December 2011

podcast script

Lauren and I worked together to write the script for our evaluation podcast. At first we struggled to answer the main questions as we found there was a lot to talk about, particularly in question one and two. We therefore found that by adding sub-questions within each question made it much easier to answer and we soon finished the script. I am happy with how the script sounds and it will hopefully be easy to read when we start the recording.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Radio trailer for the film

Radio Trailer by lmcmedia
This is our radio trailer for our film. We used music from the film as we felt it would interlink with the film well and the music in the film is quite dramatic and adds suspense. We added other sounds over the top, for instance, we used a heartbeat and a clock ticking. We got some of the sounds off of as they had a wide range of noises and sounds.
There are two people speaking in the trailer, firstly there is the main female character and we have taken the dialogue from the film and put it into the trailer as it interlinks the two again. There is also the male voiceover which uses the captions from the poster and adds the release date at the end along with where it will be released. The voiceover is there to create suspense and fear and to show off the fact that it is a horror film.
There are also other noises that create suspense such as the heartbeat and in particular the scream at the end of the trailer. We wanted to keep it as close to the trailers we looked at so that it came across as professional and flowed well.
I am very happy with the outcome of the trailer, however there are some aspects that could be improved, such as changing the volume of certain parts of the music to make them more protrudent or quieter to make the trailer more smooth overall.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

First draft of our film and feedback

This is the first draft for our film. We are happy with how this came out, however, we do know that there is some tweaking to do with the music and adding credits. We also wanted to gain some feedback from the targeted audience to see what they though of the film and any improvements that could be made. To do this we used Facebook and uploaded the video so that people could give their opinion easily.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Trailer script

This is our script for our trailer. This script should make the creation of the radio trailer a quick and smooth process; we have written it in some detail so that we know exactly where things need to go. We will be taking some parts from the film, for example, the female dialogue and some of the music to make the trailer and film link well. We hope that having the script to make the process smoother will mean that we will have alot more time to edit the trailer to make it sound as professional as possible.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Trailer research

These are two trailers that I have found on youtube to help give me some ideas and conventions of what need to be in our radio trailer. Although both are film trailers, you can interpret both into what they would sound like as radio trailers by just listening and and not watching them.

This is the film trailer for the film 'When a Stranger Calls'. I chose to look at this particular trailer because it has the same sort of story line as our film and therefore it shows the sort of things that would be good to have as in our radio trailer. The music in this trailer i feel is what creates the fear and suspense in the audience. It starts of quite but has a spooky feel to it so the audience know something may happen, but soon gets louder and scarier. However, in certain parts they cut the music and then add in a band about a second after the music stops to really make the audience jump and sit on edge. The dialogue within the trailer also adds to the suspense of the music as the lines that are said are panicked and scary which add to the fear. There isn't a voiceover in this trailer but it may be because it is a film trailer not radio trailer. However one thing I did notice was included was the caption of the film 'Have you checked the children?'. This it would seem is what combines the film and trailer together as it is the website name also. The release date is also included in the trailer which seems to be conventional because the audience need to know when the film is going to be in cinemas.

This is the trailer for the film 'The Strangers'. Similarly to the previous trailer, it is also a film trailer so you have to listen to the trailer rather than watch it. I also chose this trailer because it has similar aspects to our film and therefore would be helpful in giving me inspiration for our own trailer. I think the dialogue in this trailer is what makes the overall feel of it scary. They have picked lines from the film that create emotion within the audience and also fear and panic so that the audience that are listening to the trailer are gripped and want to go and see the film. There is some music in the trailer that slowly builds suspense, but they have silenced it in some parts as a second later there is a sound effect of a loud bang etc. This is something that I also noticed in the previous trailer, it seems to be an aspect of horror trailers that keep the audience gripped and creates fear within them. This trailer also has the caption that is in the poster and film combining the three products together and also adding a fear factor within the audience as it is quite a scary caption and could relate to anyone listening to the trailer. It would seem that this is also conventional of a horror genre trailer as it is also in the previous trailer.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Final poster

This is our official poster. We followed the sketches as best we could and took in the feedback about colour and other feedback that was given also about shadowing on the images. I am extremely happy with the outcome of this poster, I feel that the text has followed conventions of a horror as it signifies blood and gore because of thew font. Also the colour has followed conventions with the black connoting darkness and danger, the red connoting danger and blood, and the white connoting purity and death. I feel that the colours stand out from each other aswell making the text clear and easy for the audience to read.

The images have also create a sense of danger and fear within the poster. We have specifically placed the 'Stalker' above the girl as it signifies his power over her and over the conscious and subconscious of her mind. Also the way the darkness of his face and hat blend into the background add to the mystery of the poster. However, if I was to criticise anything on this poster it would be the image of the girl. If I was to improve it I would add a glow or shadow to her image to make it a bit more outstanding and fearful.

We have also added in the website that information about our film would be on, making it accessable worldwide for people to find out as much information as they like. Not only this but we have also added the Youtube and Vimeo logo onto the bottom of the poster to make sure people know they can watch the film for free online and where it can be seen. This means that the more hits we would get, would be a deciding factor as to whether we could ever make a film that would be able to go into cinemas and be paid for.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Poster sketches

These are two sketches for two different posters. They are two designs we have drawn to decide which one we will create as we feel it has a better look than the other. We personally found that the poster with the title at the top was the better poster but we also asked for other feedback. We found that everyone was in agreement that it was the better poster, however, suggestions such as very few colourings to make the poster scarier were made. This is something we will be taking into consideration when creating the poster.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Poster research

Today I started to research film posters in the horror genre. I picked two posters that fit into this genre and they are also from well known horror films. I chose these two posters because they have many similarities making it clear what the conventions of a horror poster are. However, they do have a couple of differences which show how you can challenge the conventions to create a unique product. These are analysis's of the two posters highlighting the similarities and differences.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Ancillary tasks

For my ancillary tasks I have chosen to create a poster and radio trailer with Lauren Jackett. We have chosen these particualar tasks as we feel that these are the most conventional for the distribution of information about films. Although a magazine article could have positives, we feel that the poster and radio trailer would have more of an effect on the film. In particullar, we have discussed the idea that you can make the poster have a 'fear factor' along with the radio trailer to add emphasis to the film, and continue to portray conventions of a horror film.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Film Script

This is the script for our film. We wrote this script so that when it came down to shooting the film we had a good idea of exactly what we needed so that we could therefore get it done quickly. However, this is only a rough outline of what each bit of the film will be, we will try to stick to it as best as possible, but some parts may change slightly or be added in as we may feel it could make the film better. As there is only a small amount of dialogue within the film, most of the script consists of music and what bit of filming goes with it. This made the script quite easy to write, but it should help us out when we start editing aswell as shooting the film.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Pitch and feedback

This is a video of Lauren Jackett, Charlie Woollard and I, giving our pitch to the class. We did this in order to gain productive feedback so that when creating our final film we have an idea of what we need to do to gain better marks, and give the overall look of the film a more professional look.

I found the feedback we recieved very helpful and productive from our class. We discovered that the majority fo the class enjoyed the sample scene and the idea for our film, and also liked the outcome of the sample scene. We recieved alot of positive feedback, for instance, it was said that our music was put in really well within our sample scene and the editing was really smooth. Because of this we will continue to work as we have with the music and editing when creating our final film.
However, we also recieved critical feedback, which meant we knew exactly what we needed to change or ajust when creating our final film. It was said that the outdoor part of the film was too dark and needed to be brighter for all viewers to make out what is going on. We found this very helpful as it meant we knew that we either needed to get hold of some lights or use final cut express effects to brighten the outdoor clips. We found the overall pitch productive and helpful and it gave us alot of insight of things we needed to add/change for our final film.

Pitch and Storyboard for presentation

This is the powerpoint presentation that we will be using for our pitch to the class. on this presentation it goes through our storyboard and other details of our filming and preparation. I hope this can make it easier for the class to gain an understanding of the film whist we talk them through it, so that they can give us productive feedback and we can work from there.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Sample scene of film

This is a sample scene of our film, this will be presented to the class to gain feedback on what we can do to make the film better, to achieve a better outcome. Once we had got into creating this sample scene, we found it easier as it went along. I found the hardest part to be adding the music to each shot to make the film flow, however, I found that after we had got the hang of it, it became much easier. it was a case of making sure the sound of the music fit to what was going on in the film at the time.

Monday, 10 October 2011

editing the sample scene

Today we started to edit our sample scene. We began by downloading all of our clips onto final cut express, and then picking out the clips that we wished to use within the film. Once we had all the clips that we were definatly going to use, we then, in order, put them in one by one and cut them to where we wanted them to start and finish

Sunday, 9 October 2011

filming the sample scene

Over the weekend we filmed our sample scene so that it is ready for Monday and we can start editing it and adding music to it in time for the deadline.
We managed to get everything filmed that we wanted to, and it went well, however the only difficulty we ran into was trying to create light outside as we were filming at nightime and it was very dark. Therefore we improvised and used the headlights of a car to create enough light to see the main parts of the shot throughout that section of the scene. We found that this worked quite well as we didn't want it too bright, as we wanted to keep the darkness as it is a dark film.
We used different shots with the camera, n made good use from the tripod to make the shots smooth and still, which therefore gives the film a more professional feel.

Friday, 7 October 2011

preparing for sample scene

Today we were set the task to get our sample scene done for next week, therefore the three of us (Charlie Woolard, Lauren Jackett and I) started to discuss who we would be using as the actors, and also any costumes we would need, what camera to use, if we would need a tripod etc.
We decided that for the sample scene, one of the three of us would do the acting, the costumes would be every day clothing. We will borrow a camera from school as well as a tripod to keep the camera steady. As for the 'Stalker' within the film, he will be a friend of ours, who will be wearing all black or very dark colours, to keep the 'fear factor' and mystery of who he is.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Reply about our permission letter

Today we were emailed back by the council to let us know they could not give us permisson to film anywhere abandonded. Although this was a dissapointment to us, we had come up with another idea in case this would happen. we decided to stick to filming it in a house; we also thought that this may have been a better idea anyway as we would not be sure as to how to get lighting for somewhere abandoned. Once we had tweeked the idea slightly to the house, we were ready to shoot.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

sample scene planning

As we still werent positive on a setting, not only for our sample scene, but also our real film, we discussed where we thought would be best to film it. Our first idea was in an abandoned place, for instance and mental asylum, as it would really fit into the horror genre and show many conventions also. We also thought it would have the shock factor on thre audience and therefore if it was a film that was to be published, it could have an edge that made it stand out. So we decided to get in contact to the council and see if we could get permission to film in any abandonded place, we made a phone call and also sent this letter to explain what it is we are looking for and if there was any way of using somewhere like that.

Permission letter

Whilst waiting for a reply we talked about whether we would have any dialogue or just sound (music) to add effect; we also talked about what time of day we should film it and also whether we would need any additional lighting. Props and costume did come into discussion but we each agreed that it would be best to keep it simple and to use every day clothing for thde main character and dark clothing for the 'stalker' character.

Not only did we do this, but we also started to experiment with the sort of music we will be using within the film. We used Garage Band, and found small pieces of music and put them together to see what they sounded like, and to see if it was the sort of music we would like in our film. The more we experimented with the clips the more we found that we liked, and found that it would be easier for us to use once we have trhe sample scene.

Experimenting with GarageBand to create scary music

During this lesson, we experimented with GarageBand to learn how to use it better and also to see what sound effects and music was on it that would work in our horror film. This is just a few bits of music that we have looked at together that we think create a scary feel and what we may perhaps use in our sample scene.
Thriller by lmcmedia
Heartbeat by lmcmedia
Enemy Behind The Door by lmcmedia
Abandoned Infirmary by lmcmedia
Female Scream by lmcmedia

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Discussing the sample scene

We started to decide what we are going to be doing for our sample scene today; not only do we need to think about what part of the film we wanted to use for the sample to use, we also need to think about the lighting we will be using, camera, tripod, costumes, props, setting etc.
Once we had picked the part of the film that we will be using, we then started discussing all the technical elements that would need to be in the scene, aswell as the conventions that we will need.

Monday, 3 October 2011

photostoryboard anlysis

This is our photostoryboard anlysis for our film. We have created a storyboard to make it easier for us to know exactly what we want in each scene of the film. We plan to stick to this storyboard as it will also be on our pitch and therefore it needs to be something that we are sure we will stick to; however, there may be some additions to the film or slight changes in case something doesn't look right when we have finished it. We showed what will happen in each scene with a photo and also writen next to it what we plan to have happened as well as camera angles, setting and props.

continuing with the storyboard

Today we started to write up what would be in each picture, using mise en scene, camera, lighting, props, sounds and editing, so that we can write on the pictures as soon as we have them. Once we had done this, we found it would be much easier to start taking the pictures.

Friday, 30 September 2011

storyboard task

Today we were set our stroyboard task. The storyboard has to include 10 stills to explain the story visually. Then each still has to be analysed; talking about dialogue, sound, mise-en-scene, camera, props and costume, lighting, editing and special effects.

We started to write out what would be in each scene and tried to turn this into what we could take 10 pictured of to explain this.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

stills analysing continued

Today I carried on analysing the stills in detail, I gave in a very rough draft to Mrs Ward today to see what else I needed to add. The feedback was that I needed to use alot more media language such as 'signifies' or 'connotes', and that I needed to add in about the sound in that particular part of the film. These are the final analysis's of the six stills.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Still analysis of short film 'Bon Voyage'

In todays lesson we took 6 stills from a film and started to analyse them using technical codes and representation.
I chose the short film on YouTube called Bon Voyage as it is the horror, which is the genre film that we will be making soon, and it is also a low budget film, which will also be similar to ours. I then chose 6 shots which told the flm the best and also showed strong conventions of the horror genre; next, I started to analyse each shot using technical codes and representation. I found whilst doing this that it became helpful for ideas of the sort of things we could include in our short film.
Here is the film Bon Voyage.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Reflection of 'About a Girl'

After analysing about a girl and learning more about representiation within films, I find that I have gained more knowledge of how directors use certain thinsg such as camera/costume/characters, to represent certain things. Of course, it is up to the audience as to how they interpret the representation of a particualar thing, however, the director usually creates an atmospher using a mixture of mise en scene, camera, lighting, props, costume, character and dialogue to make the audineces mind up about what they are trying to say about the character/thing. I hope to interepret this understanding into my film to create a more professional feel the to film.

About a Girl still analysis

This is an anlysis of a still shot from the film About a Girl. I have analysed the image through the use of representation, however, I have used my notes about the film in general to add to what I know about the image so that the points I have made are stonger.

About a Girl representation notes

These are the notes I took down on representation within the film 'About a Girl'. I tried to make them as detailed as possible so that in future it was stuck in my head and it can help me write an essay on representation.

'About a Girl' short film

Monday, 26 September 2011


In todays lesson, we looked at representation. The way I have chosen to remember representations within a film is by using 'CAGEDS':
C - class
A - age
G - gender
E - ethnicity
D - disability
S - sexuality
Once we had discussed this we then started to analyse the short film 'About a Girl', a drama done in documentary style. Not only did we include representation when we analysed this film, we also included technical language, i.e. camera, lighting etc. I found that the main representations throughout the film were Age, Class and Gender, and in each section I analysed how the technical terms show each of the representations.

Friday, 23 September 2011


Gce media unit g324 treatment

This is our final treatment for our film, in the treatment it explains the story, where we will be filming, the amount of money we will be spending on the film for props etc. It also includes how many characters there will be and how the film will eventually be distributed. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Planning the treatment

Today we started to plan what needed to be in our treatment, therefore we need to come up with a stroyline so that we can start writing it up. We need to make sure we include:
- how much we think we would need for funding
- what we would need to create the film i.e. camera, microphone, lighting etc
- what sort of props we would need
- what costumes we would be using
- how many actors we would need
- how we will distribute the film
- a working title
- the duration of the film

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Narrative structure: Todorov

Today, we looked at Todorov's theory and how it relates to films, and how we need to think about it when we start to produce our film.
The theory:
+ A film starts with the EQUILIBRIUM (everything as it should be)
+ Then comes the DISQUILIBRIUM (disruption - something happens)
+ Lastly you see the NEW EQUILIBRIUM (new order of things)

Monday, 19 September 2011

Planning for our film

Today we teamed up into the groups that we want to work with in order to create our products. I will be working with Lauren Jackett and Charlie Woollard to create the film and other joint tasks. We have chosen to work together as we each can handle tasks on our own and work well as a group; not only this but we feel that we can have a good grasp on time management to keep on top of the work. We will not nessicarilly have roles within the group, we will simply split tasks evenly and work together on the main tasks, such as the film.
Once we were in our group we started to discuss what sort of genre film we wanted to do and also discussed a basic storyline we could go by. We decided that we definatly wanted to produce a horror or thriller film as we felt we could create a good storyline and make it look good within the 5 minutes we have for the whole film. We also discussed the what our target audience would be 18 - 35 as we think this would be the age group that would be more likely to watch the film as it could come across as too scary for a younger audience, depending on our story.
(from left: Lauren Jackett, Maddie Read, Charlie Woollard)

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Reflection of analysis of 'Smashed' and 'The Insane'

After looking at both 'Smashed' and 'The Insane' in
detail and analysing them thouroughly, I found that it has greatly improved my understanding of conventions of short films and in particular horror films. I have found that their are conventions that I feel are necessary within films, in particular horror films, for instance the music building up tension toward the climax. However, there were also conventions that I feel could make the film i will be creating in the future more individual if they were broken, for instance less dialogue to make the audienced more on edge about the unknown. Although these specific things I have pointed out could both work well within any film, I have found that it is sometimes best to stick to conventions, as it is what the audience expects and enjoys, and if it is something differnet, it could either be something that the audience would enjoy, or something that they feel doesnt work as well as they are not used to it or it is not as effective.

Friday, 16 September 2011

The Insane essay

This is my 'Insane' essay. For this essay we had to discuss the film in relation to key concepts of media language and genre. When writing this essay I found that it became easier as the I wrote, mostly because I had tried to get as many notes as possible. I found myself picking the key parts from my notes that I could use to create a good and fluent essay. When receiving the essay back I was exceptionally happy to find that I had achieved an A; I was pleased to find in my feedback that i had finally grasped the correct structure for a fluent essay, and was also using media language and technical codes and terms correctly. However, in future I need to start discussing points with a 'critical voice', and I also need to work on my introductions and conclusions to make them stronger.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Continuing to analyse the short film 'The Insane'

In todays lesson, we carried on analysing 'The insane' to make sure we ha everything we needed to write the essay we have been set.
The essay title is 'Discuss the short film 'The Insane' in relation to the key concepts of media language and genre'.
During the lesson we also talked about using a writing frame to get us the highest marks, the easiest way to remember the writing frame is to write 'SEXY':
S - statement at the start of every paragraph
E - example to back up the statement
X - explanation (how it fits into the essay question)
Y - your opinion

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Analysing 'The Insane' short film

In todays lesson we started to analyse the short film 'The Insane' which we will later have to wriet an essay on. Whilst analysing the film I had to remember the key concepts within a horror film and make sure I analysed the film using these key concepts. Those being; camera, lighting, sound, props, character and setting.

'The Insane' short film

'The Insane' is a short film with a horror genre directed by David J Ellison and Mark Cripps. A man finds himself being chased by some kind of demon around his house.

Monday, 12 September 2011

The concept of 'genre' within a film

In todays lesson we looked at the concept of genre within a film, and why it is important to the audiences and industries.

We learnt that genre is an essential marketing tool for film producers and provides part of a group of expectations of a film. Also, without genre, producers couldn't describe films for a target audience easily, and therefore would not get a secure funding for a film. Having a genre also makes it easier for the audience to have expectations of a film and to hope that they would be met. Not only this, but film producers also like genres as it provides predictability and, to provide stability producers also like to see similarities with other films of that genre so they know that the film should be a hit in the box offices.

We then started to look at horror as a genre, and how it has been sucessful for over 112 years. During the 1970's and 1980's producers were concerned about using explicit violence and genre in case the audiences were too shocked by it; it wasnt untill 'Halloween' set off alot of film within the sub genre 'slasher'.

The we looked at the conventions of horror films and why we have them. Music is one of the main elements within a horror film as it adds to the suspence and triggers emotions, lighting and characters are also a huge part of a horror as they also contribute to trigering emotions within te audience. Smaller things like props and typography can also have a big impact upon a film, and also the audience and add suspence.

We also learnt that there is always a repetoire of elements within a horror film, meaning what we as the audience expect to in a horror film. (The conventions above)

Friday, 9 September 2011

final 'smashed' essay

This is my final draft of my 'Smashed' essay. After getting this essay back i found that I had gone up by 12% and had therefore gone up to my target grade. I changed the layout slightly and added some text into parts of the essay to make it more fluent. I also went through it and changed any non technical words to technical terminology and codes also to do what the title asks of using media language.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

first draft of my 'Smashed' essay

This is my first draft of the 'Smashed' essay. We were asked to analyse the film applying technical and analytical terms from the key concept of media language. When I received my essay back, I found myself a grade below my target, but I had been told what I had been doing well within the essay, and needed to keep doing throughout, but I also had feedback which I needed to create the final draft of the essay. It seemed to be that the main problem with the essay was structure and how I needed to make the essay less like a list in a sense, therefore I need to go through my essay and restructure it to create a more fluent essay. The other points that I needed to sort out within my essay are using more technical names and codes, this is a case of reading through my essay and adding/changing some of the words I have used.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Developing critical writing essay skills

Today we looked at developing our critical essay writing skills; in particular, signs, the signifier and what they signify. This is something that is needed in every essay to show the most skill.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Analysing 'Smashed' film in detail using technical codes

For part of our planning and research we are to start watching short films to analyse so we know conventions of short films and the genres they are in. This will help us in the future for our planning of our film as we will know the conventions that we need or could break to make our film individual.
Today we analysed the short film 'Smashed' using the technical terms of camera, lighting, setting, sound and props; we were looking to see how the technical codes encode meaning. We have done this to gain a greater understanding of the meanings within the film and how they are encoded to us, and also to make it easier to write the essay, particularly to write the essay in great detail. This was also a great help for any other essays we may get set that we have to analyse.

'Smashed' short film

'Smashed', is a short film written and directed by Peter Snelling. The film is based around the every day life of four characters who each decide to go out on a night out and get 'smashed' because of their love lives. As the story unravels, we find each of the characters slowly end up in danger and need to find a way out from their circumstances.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Studying short films

As our main product we are to produce a short 5 minute films, so to start we need to gain knowledge of film genres and conventions within them alongside with representations. We also need to have a grasp on key elements of films such as mise en scene, characters, props, lighting, camera, sound and dialogue. To gain this knowledge we will be looking at short films produced, we will be using websites such as BBC Shorts, Virgin Shorts and Channel 4 in the hope that the films on the websites will be well produced and show each of the things listed above clearly so that we can see what exactly it is that we would need to include to create a conventional film of our genre choice.

Starting A2 Media Studies

After doing my first year of Media Studies last year, I found that I enjoyed it and was keen to do another year at A2, particularly after hearing the tasks that were set by the exam board, as they sounded as though they would be interesting to do. Our brief for this years coursework is to create a shot 5 minute film in a genre of our choice, and a poster and radio trailer to go with it or magazine article. We need to continually research and plan throughout this project, not only writing but also drawings and imagery, this all needs to be posted along with our development and progress throughout the project. We must make our blogs as visually pleasing as possible by presenting our work in a creative way, we must also use different medias to post our work, i.e. Sound Cloud, Slideshare and Vimeo. Although this seems like a great amount of work to do, I feel that if I time manage what I'm doing correctly I will keep on top of my work and not struggle to create the finished products.
In this first lesson we discussed the brief set by the exam board for our coursework and exam, so that we are prepared for the tasks that would need to be done throughout the year.
We then started to discuss the first key concept, Media Language. We started to look at the short film 'Smashed' from the BBC film network, analysing it with the technical codes; camera, lighting, setting, characters and props. We also looking into the structure of the film and, discussed why short films are made  and/or if they carry message or meaning.
We were then set the task of writing an essay about the film with the title of 'Analyse the short film 'Smashed' applying technical terms.'